EVONY - Server 85 - PLAGUE
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This is a forum for players of Evony!Server85 has a great alliance called PLAGUE!!! PLAGUE spread the disease! Help and questions are allways here=)
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 Plague members

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2 posters
Chimaira IHE
Chimaira IHE

Posts : 4
Join date : 2009-11-18
Age : 43
Location : Florida

Plague members Empty
PostSubject: Plague members   Plague members EmptyFri Jan 01, 2010 4:17 am

As many of you know, ronnie, Drakschmick, and myself have asked that ALL P4 members join our forums, and we
hope the other Plagues will join us by registering as well.

So if you have already signed up, or signed up recently, please let us (by posting here) know so your name can be crossed of the list of people who still need to register. Please encourage other members who havent registered to do so.

The forums are a great place to find advice and further your knowledge about Evony strategy, including a ton of tips to make you stronger faster.
Another great tool is we are working on a chat function where you can communicate more efficiently with members from all Plague alliances in real time.

Also coming soon to the palgue forums
- full maps including where other Plague members are located, as well as locations for alliances we are hostile and neutral
- a location tool to find ANY city located anywhere on our server (for Admin/Host use only).
*if you need a city found please contact your alliance host, or staff member of the forums*
- the ability to show off screen shots of your city or multiple cities and share your attack reports
- A battle simulation calculator

New features to be added at a later date
- Plague Streaming Radio
- Plague alliance weekly MVP awards
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Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-01-15

Plague members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plague members   Plague members EmptyFri Jan 15, 2010 11:24 pm

My name is Kirk, I just registered today
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